[Date/Time]: 7/12/96 20:14:56
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] :
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
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±q«e¦]¬°°V½m§O¤H¨Ï¥Îܾe¤¤¤å¿é¤Jªk¡A§Ú¼g¤F¡§Ü¾e¿é¤Jªk²¤¶¡¨¤@¥÷¡C ³o¥÷Àɮ׬ù17.1K¡CÅwªïe-mail¨Ó¯Á¨ú¡C
[Date/Time]: 7/11/96 14:23:50
[Your Name] :
[City/State/Country] : G'sburg, MD
[E-mail] : haungw1@westat.com
[Your messages] :
Hi, DJ Chuang, I happen to know the two guys you are tring to locate. Both Kang and Cliff are members of the Chinese Bible Church in Rockville, MD. I will try to relay your message to Cliff. Have a nice day. NAME_NOT_IMPORTANT
[Date/Time]: 7/10/96 15:46:52
[Your Name] : ²W©ú
[City/State/Country] : MD
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«e´X¤Ñ¦³¾÷·|¨ì¥[¦{Àu«ä¬ü¦a¤½¶é¤@¹C¡C¨º¬O¤@Ó¬üÄRªº¦a¤è¡C§Ú̦í¦b Carry Village¡C¯²½øbicycle¡A¨ì´XÓ¦a¤è¬Ý¬Ý¡C¬Ý¨ìÀu«ä¬ü¦aÂr¥¬¡A¤S¬Ý ¨ìÃè´ò¡C¨ä¹ê¯²bicycle¨Ã¨S¦³¤°»ò·N«ä¡C¬Ý¨ìªºªF¦è¤£¹L³£¬O¾ð¤ì¦Ó¤w¡C ¤U¤È§Ú̶}¨®¨ìGlacier Point¥h¡A¬Ý¨£¥b«Ì¤s¡A³o¯u¬O¤@ÓÆ[½à·´º³Ì¦n ªº¦a¤è¡C¾ãÓÀu«ä¬ü¦a¤½¶é³£¦b²´«e¡A¤@®iµL¿ò¡C ²Ä¤G¤Ñ§Ú̦b¤W¤È¥h¤FÀu«ä¬ü¦a¨¦¦a¥_Ã䪺°ªì¡A¦]¬°¤£¬O¶}ªáªº©u¸`¡A¨S ¦³¬Ý¨ì¤°»ò¬ü´º¡C¤½¸ôÃ䪺¤@¤j¤ù´ò¤ô¡A²Mº«¨£©³¡A¬OÓµ´§®ªº´º½o¡C ¤U¤È§ÚÌ«öp¹º¥h¯²²î¡C·Q¤£¨ì¥L̪º²î³£¯²¥X¥h¤F¡C§i¶D§ÚÌn¬Ý¬ÝÁÙ²î ªº¤H¦³¦h¤Ö¡A¤~¯àª¾¹D§Ú̬O§_¦³²î¡C§Ų́M·Nµ¥¤U¥h¡C¨ì¥|ÂI®t¤¤À¡A°e ²îªº¥d¨®¨Ó¤F¡Cµ¥²îªº¤H¶¤¤@°}Åw©I¡CÀY¤K²Õ¤H°ª¿³ªº©ïµÛ²î¨ìªeÃä¥h¡C§Ú ̬O²Ä¤@²Õ®³¨ì²îªº¡A¨âÓ¤j¨k¥Í¡A©ïµÛ²î¡A¨âÓ¤k¥Í®³µÛ¼ß¡A¨Ó¨ìªeÃä¡A ©ñ¤U¤ô¡A¶}©l¦E²î¡Cªe¤ô«Ü«æ¡A¨âÓ¤j¨k¥Í¤â¦£¸}¶Ã¡A¨âÓ¤k¥Í«o°ª¿³ªº¨É ¨üµÛ¨â©¤ªº´º½o¡C ²î¨ì¾ô¤U¡A¥H¬°²î¨ì¾ôÀY¦ÛµMª½¡C¨S·Q¨ì¾ô¤W´XÓ¤Ö¦~¤H°ªÁn©I³ê¡An·q§Ú ̤@ӥͤé§Ö¼Ö¡C¥¿¤£ª¾©Ò¥HµM®É¡A¤@°}°ªÀ£¤ôºj¿E®g¡A²î¤W¤]©I©I³s³s¡A ¨k¥Í§V¤O¦E¡A²×©ó¬ð¯}¤õ½u¡A¨Ó¨ì¥ÀR¤ô°ì¡C ³o®É¤~¦³ªÅ¬Ý¬Ý¥|©PÀu¬üªº¤s¨¦¡C»·³BªºÂr¥¬¡Aªñ³Bªº¾ðªL¡A¥[¤W©¤ÃäÀ¸¤ô ªº«Ä¤l¡A¦wÀRªº¤ÑªÅ¤£®É¦³³¾¨à¸¹L¡A¯u¬O¤H¶¡¥P¹Ò¡C²î¹LÀu«ä¬ü¦aÂr¥¬¡A ¤S¨ì ±miÂr¥¬¡A´º½o¯u¬O¬ü·¥¤F¡C ¤k¨àn¦EµÛª±ª±¡A¼Õ°e¨ì¦o¤â¤¤¡A²î´N½w½w¨R¦V©¤Ãä¡C³oÁÙ¤£¥´ºò¡A²´¬ÝµÛ ¡A²î´N¶¶¬y¦Ó¤U¡AªuµÛ©¤¤@¸ô©¹«nº}¡C²î¤W°£¤F¨à¤l´xµÛ¥t¥~¤@°¦¼Õ¡A³s³s µo¥Xºò§i¡A¤k¨à«o¤£ª¾¤Ñ°ª¦a«p¡A¤@Ó«lªº©ê«è¥L¤£·|¦X§@¡C ¨â¤H¥¿®Bºj¦Þ¾Ô¤§¤¤¡Aªï±¤@´ÊˤUªº¤j¾ðÄd¦bªe¤¤¡C§Ú»°ºò©I³ê¤k¨à§V¤O ¦E¡A¦oÁÙ¨S¦³±q®Bºj¦Þ¾Ô¤§¤¤©w¹L¯«¨Ó¡C¥¿·Q¤ÏÃÕ¡A¤j¾ðªºªK¸¤w¸gªï±¦Ó ¨Ó¡C¥|Ó¤H¤â¦£¸}¶Ã¡A¦n¤£®e©ö±q¾ð©³¤U¬ï¹L¥h¡C¾ó¥Ö¸¥´X¥G½²î¡C ©ó¬O§Ú¤S§â¼Õ®³¦^¨Ó¡A¤k¨à¨ì©³ÁÙ¨S¦³¦E¹L²î¡A¦oª½©IÞªP¡A»¡¦o¤°»ò¤]¨S ¦³§@¡C§Ú»¡¡R¡§§A¤£°O±o³o¥y¸Ü¶Ü¡Sª¾¹D¦æµ½«o¤£¥h¦æ¡A³o´N¬O¥Lªº¸o¤F¡C ¡¨ ªe¤ô´ø«æ¡A²î¦æ¤£¹L¥|¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¡A´N¨ì¤F²×ÂI¡C¨âÓ¨k¥Í¦A«×§â²î¾a©¤¡A©ïµÛ ²î°e¤W¥d¨®¡Aµ¥¦b¤j¤Ú¤h¸Ì¡A¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¤£¨ì¡A´N°e¦^¯²²îÂI¤F¡C ÁÙ¤F²î¨ì¤F¦^µ{ªº®É¨è¡A§Ṳ́W¤F¨®¡A¦V«nÂ÷¶}Àu«ä¬ü¦a¡C ¦^·Q³o¤@½ë®È¦æ¡A¯uı±oȱo¡C
[Date/Time]: 7/9/96 13:28:21
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : As you know it.
[Your messages] :
°µ¬°¤@Ó²{¥NªºµØ¤H°ò·þ®{, ³Ì±`Åý¤H»~·|ªº¤@ÂI, ´N¬O»¡§ÚÌ I©v§Ñ¯ª, ±ó¥j´N¤µ, ±óµØ´N¬v, ¥~¶À¤º¥Õ, I«q¤¤µØ¤å¤Æ, µø ¦Ñ¯ª©vªº±Ð°V¦p±Í®u. §Ú·Q³o¨Ç§åµû, ¤£µL¹D²z, ¦]¬°¦pªG§Ú̹ï¼vÂQ¤¤µØ¤å¤Æ·¥¨ä²` »·ªº¥j¸t¥ýõªº«ä·Q¨S¦³µy¥[»{ÃÑ, ¦Ó¹ï¤§¥[¥H§åµûªº¸Ü, ¥¼§K ¥¢¤§¤½¤¹. ° µM«h, ¸t¤H¸Ö®Ñ, ¯E¿«µL»Ú, ½a§^¤@¥Í, µLªk¿s¨ä¤@¬ê, §ÚÌ¸Ó ±q¦ó¶}©l©O? ¥j¸t¥ý½å¹ï¤H¥Í´¼¼zªº¬Ýªk, ¿ò¯d«Ü¦hÄ_¶Qªº±Ð°V, ¦ý¹ï©ó¦t©z°_·½, ¤H±q¨ºùبÓ, ¦º«á©¹¨ºùØ¥hªº¤H¥Í°ÝÃD, «o©Ò ¨¥¤£¦h. ³Ì¨ã¥Nªí©Êªº, ¤j´n´N¬O¦Ñ¤lªº¹D¼w¸g¤F. ¾§®a¹ï©ó¥Í¦º°ÝÃD, ±j½Õªº¬O "¥¼ª¾¥Í, ²jª¾¦º",Áö¦³ÃD¨ì "¤Ñ" ªºÆ[©À, «o¥uÁ¿ "·q¤Ñ".¦Ü©ó¤H±q¨ºùبÓ, n©¹¨ºùØ¥hªº°ÝÃD, ¥u¦³¯d«ÝŪªÌ¦Û¤v·Q¹³¤F. ¥t¥~, ¹D®a±j½Õ "µL" ªº¹Ò¬É, «á¨Ó¥[¶i¯«¥P«ä·Q, ºtÅܬ°¹D ±Ð. ¦ò®aÁ¿ªº¬O "ªÅ" ªº¹Ò¬É, «á¨ÓºU¶i¦L«×±Ðªº½ü°jÆ[©À©M «ôµÐÂĪº²ß«U, ºtÅܬ°¦ò±Ð. ³o¨Ç¾Ç»¡, ¥i»¡¬O¤H¥Í´¼¼zªºµ²´¹, ¦ý«oµLªkµ¹§Ú²×·¥ªºµª®×, ¤@¸g±µÄ²°ò·þªº«H¥õ, Åý§Ú¤£±o¤£«ä¦Ò¦ó¬°¤H¥Í°ÝÃDªº²×·¥µª ®×. §ÚÓ¤H¤§©Ò¥H¦¨¬°°ò·þ®{, ¤D¬O³oÓ«ä¦Òªºµ²ªG. ¦pªG¦³¤H¦³¿³½ì, §ÚÌ¥i¥H¤@¦P¦bºô¸ô¤W¬d "¸g" --¦Ñ¤lªº¹D ¼w¸g, ¨Ó¬ã¨s¨Ã¤ñ¸û¤@¤U¨ä»P¸t¸gªº²§¦P. §Ú¦³¹D¼w¸gªºì¤å ¨ÃµùÄÀ, §ÚÌ¥i¥H¤@¬q¤@¬qªº¨Ó¬ã¨s. ¹D¼w¸gì¤å¦@ 2426 Ó ¦r, ¥i¥H§â¥¦¤À§@ 37 ³¹, ¦pªG¤@Ó§«ô°Q½×¨â³¹, ¤j·§ 18 Ó§«ô¥i¥HŪ§¹. ¤£ª¾¥i¦æ§_ ?
[Date/Time]: 7/9/96 11:20:38
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
Æ[¤§ªÌ²³,¨¥¤§ªÌ¹è,¬O¿×Æ[±æ¤],¬°¦óÆ[±æC? ¬O¿×Äߨ¥¤],¬O¿×µLÃD¤]. Äߨ¥,¥H¨ä¤£¼ô¨ä©Ò±ý¨¥¤]. µLÃD,«h¤£ª¾¨ä©Ò·í¨¥¤]. ¬O¬GÆ[¤§ªÌ²³,¨¥¤§ªÌ¹è¨o.
[Date/Time]: 7/9/96 5:6:56
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¦³¤H¦b®a¶Ü¡S ½Ö¨Ó¬Ý§Ú¡S ½ÖÄ@·N¦b©@°Ø«Îªí¥Ü·N¨£¡S
[Date/Time]: 7/5/96 6:52:39
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD
[E-mail] : chinese@wecare.org
[Your messages] :
I am using Chinese Pro. It is a Windows converting software. It has the capacity to translate Big5 code and GB code. I use Chung Jei method to input Chinese. It is a input method which utilize the parts of the Chinese characters to the key board. I am thoroghly love this input method, because I can input at least twenty words per minutes. When I am not thinking and writing on the same time, I can copy a file on the speed of 60 words per minutes. I heard that someone has using it on the speed of 110 words per minutes. There are many input methods. In Chinese pro program, there are 10 input methods.
[Date/Time]: 7/3/96 19:8:37
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
To Grace : I think, first of all, you need a Chinese software on your computer if you are not using Chinese Windows. Then go to our "Read Chinese on WWW" page ("http://www.idsonline.com/gwccn/ pcsoft.html"). You may download and install one of the Demo shareware version of Chinese softwares (depending on the type of your computer,i.e. PC, Unix or Apple) to your own computer. Choose Big-5 code (instead of GB code) as the internal Chinese coding system. Then You should be able to read Chinese in our site. If you want to enter in Chinese, you may want to choose either "Tzu-In" or "Pin-In" inputting method from the software you just downloaded. Most of softwares come with user's instruction, you may want to read it before you install it. Of course, if you like the software you downloaded, you may buy it :) p.s. Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself, like where you live ? and where you are from ? Of course, This question is optional :>
[Date/Time]: 7/3/96 17:32:13
[Your Name] : Grace
[City/State/Country] :
[E-mail] :
[Your messages] :
I am trying to enter chinese, but I don't know how to use Big-5 code?
[Date/Time]: 7/3/96 17:31:48
[Your Name] : Grace
[City/State/Country] :
[E-mail] :
[Your messages] :
I am trying to enter chinese, but I don't how to use Big-5 code?
[Date/Time]: 7/3/96 14:11:16
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD
[E-mail] :
[Your messages] :
³o¬O±Í±Ð·|home page ªº address: http://www.wecare.org/chinese.html
[Date/Time]: 7/3/96 7:23:10
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
[Your messages] :
Á§§Ì¥S¡R «e¤Ñ¤º¤H¹ï§Ú»¡¡A±z¥´¹q¸Ü¨Ó¡C§Ú¤@¤U¤l¨S¦³·|¹L·N¨Ó¡A·Q¤£°_¨Ó¬O½Ö ¡C«á¨Ó°O°_±z¬Oºô¸ô¤W»{ÃѪºªB¤Í¡A¦Ó¤£¬O¤º¤H©Ò»¡ªº¡§¸ô¤W¡¨»{ÃѪºªB¤Í ¡C§Ú¤~¥´¶}¹q¸£¡A¬Ý¬ÝGWCCN ªº©@°Ø«Î¦³¨S¦³¤°»ò·s®ø®§¡C¬Ý°_¨Ó¤´µM¨S¦³ «Ü¦h¤H¨ì©@°Ø«Î¸Ì²á¤Ñ¡C©Î³\¯u¸Ó§@¨Ç¼s§i¡C§Ú¤]¨S¦³¤°»ò·sªº¥D·N¡C¤k¨à §i¶D§Ú¡A¦oªºªB¤Í³£¦^®a¹L´»°²¤F¡Anµ¥¶}¾Ç¤~¥i¯à§ä¨ì¤@¨ÇªB¤Í¥[¤J©@°Ø «Îªº°Q½×¡C ¥t¥~§Ú¤]¶i¤J¸t¸g°Ýµª¶é¦a¡A¬Ý¨ì¦³³\¦h¤Hµo°Ý¡C¦ý¬O°£¤F³¯ªª®v¤§¥~ ¡A¨S¦³¤H°Ñ¥[°Q½×¡C³oÓ¶é¦a¤Q¤À¦³¥Î¡AÀ³¸Ó¬O¸Ñ¨M³\¦h¤H¸t¸g°ÝÃDªº¦n¤u ¨ã¡C§ÚÓ¤H¤Q¤À¼Ö·N°Ñ¥[·N¨£¡C¦ý¬O§Ú¤£§Æ±æ¥Îªª®vªº¨¥÷¡C³¯ªª®v¤U¤F³\ ¦h¤u¤Ò¡Aµª±o«Ü¦n¡C§Ú·Q§Ú¥i¥H¥Î¤¤¤å¦^µª¡A©Î³\¥i¥HÀ°§U¤@¨Ç¤H¡C§Ú¥u¬O ¤£ª¾¹D«ç¼Ë¦b³oÓ¶é¦a§ë®Ñ¡C½Ð¥Üª¾¡C
[Date/Time]: 7/2/96 10:14:28
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
[Your messages] :
At first it is the environment. I had hard time during my junior high school years. I suddently found that it is nonsense to be honest. I was honest on my test, but fellow students didn't. They cheated on the exam. The teacher seemed don't care about their cheating. I was one of a few that fail the course. I also found that I failed two major courses, because others paid teachers for additional study after classes. Teachers gave them the exam as practice during their special study after school. The few students who did not pay for the extra study all failed. I was one of them. As the result, I repeated the classes one more year. The second year I vowed to success regardless the means. I cheated, I also studied hard. I entered the top five of the school of about 8,000 students. I passed the high school with high score. But after I succeded, I found out that seccess is empty. I was successful, so what? Everything seemed so unreal. What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning of life? At that time, one of the classmate invite me to study the Bible. The Bible truth impressed me. "If the Bible is truth, I want it." I told myself. The more I studied the Bible, the more I was convinced that it is reasonable. The only problem is: "Does a reasonable Bible really reflect the truth?" or "Does rationalized biblical truth reflect the reality?" or "Even though it sound so real, will it stand when I put it into test in real life?" I was afriad that the Bible is just as other moral standard, when I put it into practice, it fails me just as before. I hesitated. One of the leader of the Bible study challenged me that if I did not try it, how could I know that it is real or not? I still hesitated to put it into test. One day the leader of the Bible study invited me to speak on a sharing meeting ahead of time. I did not know how to speak. I told him that I don't know what should I say. He told me to pray. I went back home and pray. I was not speaking with my brother because of the failed class for more than one year. I asked God to reconcil my brother and me. After the prayer, I reached out and spoke to my brother. It was a surpraise that he was willing to speak to me again. The first answered prayer is only a tiny evidence. But I treasured it very much, because it was the first contact with God. And God answered me immediately. I told myself that I will try one year. I would do everything according to the Bible to see whether God is real. For one whole year, I tried every Biblical promises. God is real! God answered, God responded. God is alive. I experieced Him for over thirty years. He never fails me. That's what makes me a Christian.
[Date/Time]: 7/2/96 10:7:36
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
[Your messages] :
¤W¦¸§Ú¼g¤F¤@½g¤å³¹¥Îe-mail±Hµ¹Grace¡C¤S¦P®É¦b©@°Ø«Î¼g¤F¤@¤p¬q¤å¦r¡C ¨S·Q¨ìµ¹Grace ªº¤å³¹µ¹°h¦^¨Ó¤F¡C»¡¬O¬dµL¦¹¤H¡C Á§§Ì¥S§i¶D§Ú¡A½g´T¤£¦¨°ÝÃD¡C©Ò¥H§Ún¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý¡A§â°h¦^¨Óªº«H¡A¦b©@°Ø«Î ¸Ìµn¥X¨Ó¡C¥u¬O§Ú¦ü¥G¦³°ÝÃD§âNectscape mail¸Ìªº«H¡Acopy¨ì©@°Ø«Î¸Ì¨Ó ¡C¦³¨S¦³½Ö¥i¥H§i¶D§ÚÀ³¸Ó«ç»ò¿ì¡S
[Date/Time]: 6/28/96 8:56:35
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
¦n ªF ¦è n »P ¦n ªB ¤Í ¤À ¨É,¯u ¬ß ±æ Paul ¯à ¦b ¦¹ ©@ °Ø «Î »P ¤j ®a ¤À ¨É ¥L ªº ¸g ¾ú.§Ú ·Q «Ü ¦h ¤H ·| ¦³ ¦P ¼Ë ªº °Ý ÃD "Why a Christian becomes a Christain ?" ¤] ¦P ¼Ë ¬ß ±æ ¯à ±o ¨ì µª ®×. §Ú ·Q GWCCN ¤£ ·| ¤¶ ·N ±z ¦û ¥h ¤Ó ¦h ½g ´T,¦] ¬° ¹ª Ày ¤j ®a ²` ½Í ¥¿ ¬O ¦¹ ©@ °Ø «Î ¦¨ ¥ß ªº ¥Ø ¦a. ¤£ ¬O ¶Ü ?
[Date/Time]: 6/27/96 15:11:46
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve
[Your messages] :
¬O¤°»ò¨Ï§Ú¦¨¬°¤@Ó°ò·þ®{¡S ¬O¯«¬¡¥Í¥Íªº±a»â¡A¨Ï§ÚµL¥i±À½Ó¡C¬O¯«««Å¥¤F§ÚªºÃ«§i¡A¨Ï§ÚµL¥i±À½Ó¡C ¬O¯«¦b¨C¤Ñ¥Í¬¡¤¤¿Ë¤ÁªºÄ²ºN¡A¨Ï§ÚµL¥i±À½Ó¡C¬O§Ú¦h¦~¨Ì¾a¯«¡B¬Û«H¯«¡B ¹ê¦æ¸t¸gªº¸Ü¡A¿Ë¨ÅçÃÒªºµ²½×¡C Á`¦Ó¨¥¤§¡A¬O§Ú¿Ë¨¸g¾ú¨ì¯«ªº¦P¦b©M±a»â¡C ¦pªG§AÄ@·Nª¾¹D§ó¦h¡A§Ú¤]¥i¥H²`½Í¡C¦ý¬O¥i¯à¦û¥h©@°Ø«Î¤Ó¦h½g´T¡AÅý³\ ºô¤Íı±oªø½g¤j½×¡A¹L©ó¬\Àê¡C©Ò¥HÅý§Ú¥Îe-mail§â¤@¨Ç®ø®§¶Çµ¹§A¡C
[Date/Time]: 6/27/96 11:6:18
[Your Name] : ¾HÀAºa
[City/State/Country] : »´ä
[E-mail] : jovin@hk.super.net
[Your messages] :
¦U¦ì§Ì¥S©n©f¡A§A̦n¡I¯à¦bInternet¤W¿é¤J¤¤¤å¯u¬O¤@¥ó¦n¨Æ¡A ¦]¬°¯S§O¦³¤@¥÷ªº¿Ë¤Á·P¡C¯u¬On·PÁ¯«°Ú¡I¬ß¦b¥H«áªº¤é¤lùر¡A ·|¦³§ó¦hªº®ÉÔ»P§AÌ¥æ³q¡C
[Date/Time]: 6/25/96 12:22:29
[Your Name] : Grace
[City/State/Country] :
[E-mail] : NLAM367817
[Your messages] :
What make you became a Christian?
[Date/Time]: 6/25/96 0:38:10
[Your Name] : Mandy
[City/State/Country] : Tainan,Taiwan.ROC
[E-mail] : Mandy.bbs@nsysu.edu.tw
[Your messages] :
µ¹§Ú¿Ë·RªºAnne&Jerry&Weily Keily........ «Ü°ª¿³¯à¦b³o¯S®í¤é¤l¸Ì±o¨ì¦p¦¹¯S®íªº¯¬ºÖ! ¥xÆWªº¼ö±¡¤@¼ËªºªmÄË;¤@¼Ëªº¥i·R!¨Ì¦p¦¹! ¯u§Æ±æ¦¤é¬Ý¨ì»·¤èªº¿Ë¤H¦^¨Ó........... «ä©Àªº¤H ¯¬!Jerry,Anne,Weily&Keily©M©Ò¦³GWCCNªºªB¤Í.... ¥¦w ³ß¼Ö Mandy.1996.06.25
[Date/Time]: 6/22/96 21:35:9
[Your Name] : Anne Hwang
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : ahwan@hq.caci.com
[Your messages] :
Some birthday greetings are flowery and frilly, some birthday greetings are goofy and silly, some birthday greetings are cold and sedate, And some birthday greetings (like this one)...ARE LATE !!!!! Nevertheless, it's sincere. Happy Birthday to my lovely, lonely and still-not-married sister ................ Mandy. Anne We didn't forget your birthday, we just want to give you a surprising birthday greeting like your silly sister's. your brother-in-law I love you and I miss you. I want to be your flower girl Weily
[Date/Time]: 6/20/96 16:35:49
[Your Name] : GWCCN
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Hi, Everyone : ºÝ ¤È ¸` §Ö ¼Ö ! GWCCN