[Date/Time]: 6/20/96 12:39:8
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
To Ruth Huang : As far as I know, there is a Chinese Christian Church in Minneapolis called "Twin City Chinese Christian Church" (1795 Eustis st., Lauderdale, MN). They have a web site at http:// www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/g052/cccf/t4c.htm. But they may be a Cantonese-speaking church. To Robin Teo : welcome aboard ! I am not a graphic artist, but I know some friends who are, both Americans and Chinese. The next door office of mine is our graphic office which provides all the graphic service to our agency. I always amazed about the complicated equipments as well as fantastic graphical softwares that they are using, very interesting profession. Are you guys down there suffering a cold winter now ? I, from Southern part of Taiwan, really don't like cold weather. But DC area is now about 80's F degree, very comfortable to me :)
[Date/Time]: 6/20/96 9:32:30
[Your Name] : Robin Teo (Mr)
[City/State/Country] : Perth , WA Australia
[E-mail] : robin@techpkwa.curtin.edu.au
[Your messages] :
Hello, great to know there is a place like here. How are you all doing out htere? I will cut short my message, is there anyone there who is a graphic designer or a multimedia designer? For a short intro, I was a student from Malaysia and now a Graphic Designer. I am attending Westminister Presbyterian Church in Perth, and glad to meet you all here. I am also in Overseas Christian Fellowship. ( OCF WA ). Take care.
[Date/Time]: 6/19/96 16:10:6
[Your Name] : Ruth Huang
[City/State/Country] : Burtonsville, Maryland
[E-mail] : ruthie@wam.umd.edu
[Your messages] :
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ: Does anyone know of any Chinese Mandarin speaking churches in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, pretty close to Minneapolis? It would be nice to know because a friend of mine lives up there. Thanks.
[Date/Time]: 6/17/96 22:30:48
[Your Name] : Florence Lim
[City/State/Country] : Penang/Malaysia
[E-mail] : florence@imail.infor.edu.my
[Your messages] :
Hello, everyone!! This is the first time I got into this coffee house. Ohh! I fine it so interesting inside here I like to make friends with all of you, if you want to know more about me or my country please send mail to me.
[Date/Time]: 6/6/96 11:8:28
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
To John Nelson : I love to give you my personal opinion, but my opinion may not be THE answer. Someone out there watching this chat area, please correct me if I am wrong. === It's a very interesting question, in fact, I never noticed that the number 153 at John 21:11 can signify the number of person who were healed in New Testament. The way that I look at this verse is similar to the way that I look at verse 19 and 20 in Mark 8. That is, the number(153) is simply used as a way to emphasize that the story is true. The author of John wanted to convince readers that what he knew about the story written in John 21 is true, because he even knew the number of fish in the net. Similarly, Mark 8:19 recorded the question that Jesus asked his deciples, "When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up ?" "Twelve," they replied. And again Jesus asked them, "And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up ?" They answered, "Seven". Can we say the number 12 represents Jesus's 12 deciples, and the number 7 signifies the 7 churches to which John sent the letters in Revelation 1 ? I guess not, I don't want to associate every number with a special meaning, unless Bible emphasizes again and again. The number of fish 153 can only be found in the book of John, you can't find it elsewhere. So, this is my answer. Anyone wants to jump in and join the discussion ?
[Date/Time]: 6/5/96 8:27:5
[Your Name] : john Nelson
[City/State/Country] : duluth,Ga
[E-mail] : sontoursm@inetnow.net
[Your messages] :
Can you answer the John 21:11, what the 153 fishes signify. I believe it is the 153 people that Jesus healed in the new testament. If you do know the answer, could you state the resource(s) that you used. I would be very grateful for your response to this question. Yours in Christ, John Nelson
[Date/Time]: 6/3/96 13:1:55
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
To Joyce Tong: Very good question, what is the purpose of this chatting area ? any idea ? I would say there are many purposes and also no purpose, it depends. But I know if you have Bible questions, you may want to visit "Bible Q's and A's", and if you have a theological idea, maybe you want to visit "Theological Forum", and if you want to enjoy reading sermons and articles, "Literary Columns" is a good place to go. I think you are utilizing this area very well, see, you can ask computer questions in this area. Also you may share your daily life experience with others, or you can even advertise your church like Kai Tak Lam just did. You may also say Hello or Happy Birthday to your friends if they are also watching this chatting area, and .... lots more. Actually, we are waiting for your creativity on how to utilize this area ! In terms of your computer question, I think you may want to try clearing the 'memory cache' as well as 'disk cache' (choose Options from Netscape) to see if the screen shows a better result (sorry, no quarantee). To : Kai Tak Lam Tell you the truth, we have trouble finding enough money for our mission too. Not many people in chinese churches are using Internet, most of them, students and young professionals. And there are even a smaller amount of Chinese Christians are using WWW as a source of their devotional life. One problem is that most of church leaders who hold the money don't know much about computers. It's very hard to persuade them to support the cyperspace mission. After all, most of elderly members in churches don't use computers at all. But when we turn our attention to our children and young generations, they are using Internet to do their home works, to communicate with their friends and to get information. I think we should equip ourselves to be able to "talk" to them, otherwise, we are gonna lose them. Do you agree ?
[Date/Time]: 6/3/96 8:13:52
[Your Name] : Anne Hwang
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, Virginia/USA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
Hi there, As a mother of two, I found out a nice web site from today's newspaper to visit especially for our youngsters (http://www.yahooligans.com/). You can find invaluable for homework research without fretting about the naughty stuff.
[Date/Time]: 6/3/96 6:4:9
[Your Name] : Kai Tak Lam
[City/State/Country] : Nijkerk, Holland
[E-mail] : kai.tak.lam@att.com
[Your messages] :
Hi, I am member member of a chinese curch in Amersfoort (Holland). We use Cantonese and Dutch. We have set up a sunday service since sept 1995, sunday school for the kids. We are growing very fast. We have experience people to outreach the chinese people. We have people, vision, strategy, and experience. But we have lack of money. I am trying to find funding for our work, via advertisement in internet. Anyone has a good guesstion how to do that? Thanks Kai
[Date/Time]: 6/1/96 23:38:47
[Your Name] : Joyce Tong
[City/State/Country] : Wellesley, MA
[E-mail] : jtong@wellesley.edu
[Your messages] :
Hello, I was just wondering what goes on here. What do you talk about, the purpose? Also, there seems to be a problem (or maybe it's just my computer) but I can'tsee any of the words printed. ie, above the submit form, it is completely black. I just see forms, but nothing before them. Is it supposed to be this way, or is there a problem with my computer?
[Date/Time]: 5/29/96 9:32:40
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD 21042
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
[Your messages] :
In my memory, there is only one Ping Yin Chinese Bible. That is the Taiwanese Ping Yin Bible. You can get it from the American Bible Society. You may also ask for Ping Yin Chinese Bible in Mandarin. They might have it. Who knows?
[Date/Time]: 5/24/96 13:33:50
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
Someone is asking me whether there is "Chinese Ping-Yin Bible" available, but I have no idea about this question. He is an American who is learning Chinese and find it is difficult to read Chinese Bible without Ping-Yin. I don't know if anyone knows ?
[Date/Time]: 5/24/96 13:16:54
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
To Albert:
As a matter of fact, many friends gave me lots of help in Web publishing.
Wendy Ho of Light-Salt fellowship gave me the first lesson in HTML, Oliver
Hsieh has been my best teacher since the beginning, Daniel Wu gave me many
suggestions and advices too. There is no magic, we just share what we know
and work together as a team to make this GWCCN come true.
Speaking of Java, although it is powerful in terms of controlling and
and its diversity, there aren't too many browers supporting it. Like the
scrolling bar on the GWCCN home page (if you can see it) is Java script,
but only Netscape 2.0 and above can see it, some popular browsers like
microsoft web explorer doesn't support it. So it seems that it needs some
more time to integrate current existing web browsers together. Currently,
all our back-end CGI applications are using Perl scripts.
[Date/Time]: 5/24/96 12:6:9
[Your Name] : Albert Hsieh
[City/State/Country] : North Potomac, MD
[E-mail] : hsieha@ttc.com
[Your messages] :
Hey Jerry! Good work! It is so good to see people utilizing their
talents to work for God. Yes, I would love to help out with maintaing
the web site in any way I can. Just a waring though, my html skill
is not up to par yet. Just a rookie at this time. May be you can
be my "Sensee" or master and pass on the art of html. By the way,
do you know "Java" programming language? I think this is the hot
language for Internet Applications of the future.
Chloverist! (New word invented by TPC youth which means Love in Christ)
Albert Hsieh
[Date/Time]: 5/23/96 20:55:43
[Your Name] : Oliver Hsieh
[City/State/Country] : Vienna, Virginia
[E-mail] : hsieh@radix.net
[Your messages] :
Why not to take a break from the busy schedule and have a sip of
coffee? This is truly a nice place to rest and make friends.
A best wish to those of you attend Lynchburg Chinese Christian
Conference starting tomorrow in Lynchburg, Virginia. May God
bless you and wish you have a successful retreat.
[Date/Time]: 5/23/96 20:45:49
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
[Your messages] :
I am so glad that gwccn cafe is established so fast. Appreciat
the efficient work of Mr. Hsueh
[Date/Time]: 5/22/96 19:53:55
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
Having built up this chatting coffee house, I tried to be
the first one entering this house. I felt kind of spacious
and boundless. What a cyberspace ! I wonder who will be the
next one joining in this chatting group.