[Date/Time]: 7/21/96 20:56:28
[Your Name] : Job
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My concern is real. If people at church or Bible study do not say that they are Christians, it will be much better. But the problem is they say that they are Christians. and they act totally on the other track. What should we do to them? With love and tolerant them? Some times tolerant means we are the same as them. Can we just stand on the side and say nothing? What about come to the point that we are voting them to the office at the local church? Do we still tolerant and love and vote yes?
[Date/Time]: 7/21/96 15:3:31
[Your Name] : DJ Chuang
[City/State/Country] : Raleigh NC
[E-mail] : djchuang@ix.netcom.com
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re: good Christian certainly, the sloppy morals of some Christians is unacceptable, it's sad that some think it okay to cheat or cuss, but what's worse is that these are the "witnesses" that hinder others from coming to faith!! When people see/hear the blatant hypocrisy of professing Christians, they want nothing to do with the God of Christianity! There are some who genuinely seek God with all that they have, as the Great Commandment urges, and some who have Christ as their first love.. but many are distracted by the cares of the world.. sometimes I feel our culture doesn't help things either.. oh God have mercy.. will He raise up some mighty men of God in our generation, those who will stand apart from culture pressures and striving for prestige and security?
[Date/Time]: 7/15/96 16:59:26
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
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I guess, if you want to find a "good" Chrisitan from all Christians in the world, as well as in the human history, you will probably end up with none. We all knew that by doing good can't make us righteous before God, that's why we need God's Salvation through Jesus. In Book of James, the author reminded us that Faith without behavior is dead. James also encouraged us to live out our faith through our good deeds after we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior. Now comes the hard part, how good is good ? where to draw the line between good and bad ? what's the difference between biblical moral standards and socail moral standards ? First of all, I agree that Cheating on test, cheating on loan application and borrow other's ID card at wholesale club are not right. But when I say that, I don't want to be too harsh, and I want to say it accompanied with love. Since we are all sinners. We are not doing any better than anyone else. We often cheat on God as well. For example, we skip bible study, prayer's meeting, and even Sunday service because we feel tired, because we have friends visiting us, because we have an important exam coming up, because we have a final thesis which is important to get the degree, because there are other social events which are more attractive, ...etc. There are many, many other examples showing that we are not following God's teachings. We always got tons of excuses of not "dedicating our whole life to God" ! Are we cheating to God ? I guess we are. At least, I am. While those missionaries are risking their lives in the remote area of China, dedicating their lives in the remote islands and high-mountain area of Taiwan, we, overseas Chinese Christians, are still studying Business, computers degrees, are still pursuing our careers, are still trying to make big money for our own future. Yes, I think, many of us are still more concerning about self comfortable. Let's ask if anyone of us willing to sacrify all we have to spread God's Gospel in remote area of China or Taiwan ? anyone of us willing to give up our own goals of getting Ph.D's, buying big houses and having big business to dedicate our lives with the poors ? I guess none of us! So why a 10% dedicated Christian wants to criticize a 5% dedicated Christian ? Forgive me if anyone feel been intruded, I just want to emphasize that God's road is narrow, is tough, we need to support each other with love while we are running God's road together. We all have different opinions on many things and on many issues. But we are running on the same road, toward the same destination and most important, we are running together ! When anyone of us can't catch God's standard, we like to gentlely correct his or her wrong doings with love, and then review ouselves to see if we have similar situation in other places. If possible, pray to God together with our friends for God's mercy. I think, nobody is perfect and we all need God's mercy. right ? with love, Jerry
[Date/Time]: 7/13/96 12:11:54
[Your Name] : Cindy
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Job, I can identify with you. I know it is hard to be a good Christian. I face the same kind of problems. It must be very wide spread.
[Date/Time]: 7/13/96 12:9:11
[Your Name] : Job
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I am in trouble. Many Christians seem only concern about self comfortable. They do not want to practice the Bible principles. When I join the Bible study, they do not like what I said about dedicate our whole life to God. Also, I met a Christian who believes that Christians should be able to cheat on test, borrow other's ID card to purchase at wholesale club, and it is ok to cheat on the loan application. When I insisted that Christian should be honest, my Christian friend does not talk to me any more. What should I do?
[Date/Time]: 7/12/96 20:19:0
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
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[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
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I had written the Chung Jei Chinese input method. It is a 17.1K Chinese file on Big5 code. If anyone want to learn how to input by Chung Jei Chinese input method, you are welcome to ask for it. The material include keyboard transformation code, principle to divid Chinese characters, examples on individual Chinese characters, and six practices.
[Date/Time]: 7/11/96 15:25:18
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[City/State/Country] : G'sburg, MD
[E-mail] : haungw1@westat.com
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[Re-post from Chinese Chatting area] Hi, DJ Chuang, I happen to know the two guys you are tring to locate. Both Kang and Cliff are members of the Chinese Bible Church in Rockville, MD. I will try to relay your message to Cliff. Have a nice day. NAME_NOT_IMPORTANT
[Date/Time]: 7/4/96 0:30:23
[Your Name] : DJ Chuang
[City/State/Country] : Raleigh, NC
[E-mail] : djchuang@ix.netcom.com
[Your messages] :
Hello all in Greater DC area, I grew up in the area (Bethesda MD for 3 yrs, Winchester VA for ~20 yrs, Lexington Park MD for 2.5 yrs) and have visited DC numerous times, with several visits to 3 Chinese churches in the area.. I'm hoping that this new technology can help me locate some old friends, Kang Dong, Cliff Soon, for instance.. Others who may not know me, here's a brief bio, perhaps you'll find a connection: 1988 grad Va.Tech, Elec.Engr., attended AFC SC '90, CM '89, CM '95; attended MACCC '96 (Lynchburg), 95 graduate DTS, currently youth pastor Raleigh Chinese Christian Church home page at http://users.aol.com/djchuang/
[Date/Time]: 6/28/96 9:4:42
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
If anyone is interested in knowing what the New Age Movement is, there is good web site summarying some thoughts of N.A.M. and also providing users the correct Biblical views about the N.A.M.thoughts. The address is http://www2.connectnet.com/users/mslick/nawhatis.htm
[Date/Time]: 6/26/96 22:51:32
[Your Name] : Gary
[City/State/Country] : Va
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Hi! Want to say hi! I am in VA and have a friend in HK
[Date/Time]: 6/20/96 16:41:17
[Your Name] : GWCCN
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Hi, Everyone : Happy "Zuong-Tze"'s Day !?@#$%&*??????????? you know what I mean, right ? Does anyone know how to say "Zuong-Tze" in English ? GWCCN