[Date/Time]: 8/13/96 12:11:26
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
[Continued from my previous message on 7/27/96] re : msg from Job concering "Christian Behavior" The second issue that I brought out from my previous message is What's sin ? and What's wrong doing. I hope that I am not talking too serious to scare people away from discussing. Actually, I just want to give my personal observations and opinions, nothing too serious, and nothing too theological. If you agree, we will notice that, most of time, we call somebody is doing something wrong according to a set of standards. For example, in Matthew 12 : 1-2, when Jesus's disciples pluck and ate heads of grain on the Sabbath. When the Pharisees saw it, they blamed Juses that his disciples were doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath. In this story, the set of standards are Jewish Law which the Pharisees used to judge that Jesus's disciples were doing wrong ! What's wrong with these Pharisees, if I were one of these Pharisees, I might have made the same judgement. But as we know, these Pharisees were too Lawism to ignore the human need and weakness. So Juses replied them in verse 7, "But if you had known what this means, 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice', you would not have condemned the guiltless." As a Christian, everyone knows that the set of standards should come from Bible which consists of both Old Testament and New Testament, but allow me to ask a question, Does anyone still observe the Jewish Laws from Old Testament ?
[Date/Time]: 8/12/96 17:1:49
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
There are hundreds and thousands of Gospel musics in the history, and each and every single sound represents a Life and a story. If you like to collect some Gospel musics on your home page, maybe you can start with something more evangelical, something proclaiming victory, like "Majesty", "King of Kings",...etc. I don't know if we can make sound files from an audio tape, post the melody or post the songs, since there is a copy right problem involved. Maybe we need to get some sort of permmisions from the publisher, but I think if we sing the song and tape it, it should be ok, right ? Besides, you maybe need to educate us how to play audio files, and tell us what kinds of softwares or hardwares needed ? But it will be very very interesting to hear Gospel music over the Net, if you can write a little bit about the background, it will be completely wonderful.
[Date/Time]: 8/12/96 9:15:24
[Your Name] : Sandra Li
[City/State/Country] : Baltimore, MD
[E-mail] : li@peabody.jhu.edu
[Your messages] :
hello everybody greeting! I am Sandra from Baltimore. Because I am planning to make a gospel music home page, I would like know which or what kind of gospel music pieces people like. Please let me know if you have any idea for this music page, thank you ! In Christ, Sandra http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/~li
[Date/Time]: 8/11/96 17:1:39
[Your Name] : Michael Smith
[City/State/Country] : Alaska
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Hi. Do you think that the King James version of the Bible is the real version?
[Date/Time]: 8/1/96 10:22:33
[Your Name] : Anne Hwang
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : ahwan@hq.caci.com
[Your messages] :
For young adult, quasi-adult or under Need something to quench on this red and hot summer day. Here are some websites I found out in the library which are very creative and cool. http://www.ucalgary.cal/~dkbrown/index.html http://www.thekids.com/ http://www.calweb.com/~roadkill/kids.html http://www.starwave.com/ http://www.kidscom.com/ http://ericir.syr.edu/index.html http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/Welcome.html http://www.exploratorium.edu/ For anyone who enjoys a word a day or polishes the English skill with little effort: You may visit http://www.comenius.com/index.html, http://www.wordsmith.org/awad/home.html and http://titania.cobuild.collins.co.uk/wordwatch.html. There are several choices either subscribe it or visit the archive and get it for yourself. Free gift, Free give.
[Date/Time]: 7/30/96 10:6:35
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
My age ? It's a secret. But I am a father of two : one 4+ years old, one 7 months. Is the age that important ? Maybe, but one can have many different ages - the age of physical maturity, the age of mental maturity, the age of sentimental maturity and the age of spiritual maturity,...etc. We all play different roles, possess different thoughts and behave different ways, according to not only our physical ages, but mental ages and spiritual ages. Therefore, by knowing someone's physical age doesn't mean you know his or her actual age. Am I right ? Maybe, maybe not.
[Date/Time]: 7/30/96 8:27:45
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] :
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
[Your messages] :
Thanks God, finally we do have some chat on some regular topics. I am old, old, old. Old enough to be father of 22-year-son. Don't ask me how old I am. Most of people in the U.S. thinks that it is not polite to ask other's age.
[Date/Time]: 7/29/96 21:1:4
[Your Name] : Leah
[City/State/Country] : Montana,USA
[E-mail] : lundgren@sunrise.alpinet.net
[Your messages] :
How old is everyone in this room?????
[Date/Time]: 7/27/96 23:30:13
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
Yesterday, I mentioned that there could have three issues involving in the discussion of "Christian Behaviors". First issue is (1)"What do we do if a brother is caught in a sin ?" similarly, (2)"What do we do if your brother sins against you ?". The answer to the (2) question is in Matthew 18 : 15 ~ 17, which Mr. D.J. Chuang has metioned in his messages yesterday. And the answer to the (1) question is in Galatians 6: 1 ~ 2. I quote that passage as follows : "My friend, if anyone is detected in a transgression, you who have received the Spirit should restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness. Take care that you yourselves are not tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." But the most difficult part of these procedure is that NO ONE likes to be pointed out that his behavior is wrong. So, if we come to our brother and say to him what he did was wrong, even though with great love. Most of time, this brother will get angry and defend himself. And sometimes, he will just leave the church or bible study group and swear that he will never come back again ! Therefore, in most of cases, we just tend to "tolerate" or "ignore" or "postpone" the correction action of his behaviors or his wrong thoughts in order to keep him in the church. This is one of the dilemma that we are facing in almost every church today. Further more, if you take this correction action too seriously, sometimes your brother will just leave the church, or he will persuade other church members to leave with him. And you know, this will cause the split of church. The problem is that what you think is wrong or intolerant is OK or inserious to your brother. Your brother might think you are too serious and too harsh on him, and will turn awway from you. You thought you are helping him, but he thought you are against him. Sometimes, this is because of lack of communication, but sometimes this is becasue we didn't have a common clear definition about what is wrong and what is right. That's why I brought out the second issue : "What is sin ?" and so on. I am running out of my time, so I will share my opinions with you next time. -To be continued ...
[Date/Time]: 7/26/96 16:32:54
[Your Name] : GWCCN
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[Date/Time]: 7/26/96 15:42:41
[Your Name] : Jerry Hsueh
[City/State/Country] : Fairfax, VA
[E-mail] : jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net
[Your messages] :
To Job : I think I didn't say "We should be with love and tolerate them", I said "when I say that(the behavior is not right), I don't want to be too harsh, and I want to say it accompanied with love". and then I also said, "When anyone of us can't catch God's standard, we like to gentlely correct his or her wrong doings with love, and then review ouselves to see if we have similar situation in other places. If possible, pray to God together with our friends for God's mercy". "Will I vote for a nominee who think Cheating and lying is OK ?" I guess I won't. But I will be very curious about why he thinks cheating is OK if he claims himself a Christian. Speaking of Christian's wrong doings, I think there are at least three issues involved if we want to make it more clear. Since we're all experiencing and seeing too many such examples. First issue is "What do we do if a brother is caught in a sin ?" similarly, "What do we do if your brother sins against you ?". Second issue is "What is sin ? What is wrong doing ? Are our brother's wrong doings so intolerant that we have to do 'something', otherwise, it won't show our righteousness ? (or it will shade Jesus's glory ?) " Third issue is that almost everyone in the world put an equal sign between "Christians" and "Good men", but is that fair ? what is the true meaning of being a Christian ? When you first brought out this issue, my heart was pumping, my soul was screaming, because there are too many misunderstandings about Christianity. We, so-called Christians, are being watched, being finger-pointed and being criticized since the day we were baptized. Aren't we supposed to be set free, instead of putting more bondage upon us ? I think we don't need too many self-righteous "Christians", we already had too many. We need someone who is really sympathetic and merciful. When we point our fingers to other's nose, we are also being finger-pointed by somebody else. Every time I read the story about the woman caught in adultery and brought in by teachers of the law and the Pharisees, I felt painful. I bet that woman would be stoned to death if Jesus was not there. And, if we were there, probably we would be one of those Pharisees who were trying to kill her in order to "straight out" the law. What if that woman was our own sister ? I am not saying we should tolerate all sins in Church, I am saying that we should process these accuse with caution and with love. - To be continued ....
[Date/Time]: 7/26/96 15:21:45
[Your Name] : DJ Chuang
[City/State/Country] : Raleigh NC
[E-mail] : djchuang@ix.netcom.com
[Your messages] :
re: msg from Job right, it'd be better if the poor-witness Christians would not call themselves Christians, but if it is within your context of influence and responsibility, you do need to say something! Use the Matthew 18 process if need to, go to him/her personally, voice your concern for their sin, if they repent, you will have restored him/her, but if not, then you need to bring a witness with you to confront him/her, then you are to take it to your local church leaders, and then if there is still no repentance, the offending brother/sister (poor witness) must be treated as a pagan. That's the biblical procedure. If such a person is up for election at the local church level, don't vote for him, and also you have a responsibility to voice your concerns.. church leaders have to be of good repute, and anything short of that is disqualification according to 1 Timothy 3. Make sure what you've seen or heard is in error, and then seek to restore and correct. "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment." (John 7:24)
[Date/Time]: 7/23/96 14:50:48
[Your Name] : Paul Tong
[City/State/Country] : Ellicott City, MD 21042
[E-mail] : 102445.30@compuserve.com
[Your messages] :
I am very sympathy at your situation, Jopa. It seems that you are in a very unfortunity situation. But I don't think Christian faith has a direct connection with your situation. I have talked to someone who is familiar with female mentality. She told me that when a girl decide to leave a boy, most likely it is because she has problem to communicate spiritually. When I say spiritually, it does not necessarily mean faith. Heart to heart communication is very delicate. When your interest concentrates on physical pleasure, you miss the major target. Don't mad at anyone. It is because the lack of communication that stops your relationship. If you really love your girl, you should follow her to the church. Learn what she knows, find what she wants. It wouldn't you by going to the church, is it? What's the big deal of not going to the church? If she is really important to you, why not soft yourself a little? Try to think like her. You will soon find out that she was not wrong by refuse to go to bed with you again.
[Date/Time]: 7/22/96 10:28:58
[Your Name] : Jopa
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What is the right way to date? I heard that Chrsitians never go to bed before marriage. But my girl friend already go to bed with me. She is a Christian. Now suddenly she became active again at church. She suddenly turning around and deny me for what we used to do. I am very frustrated. What can you do to help me? I hate those people who turning away my girl.