[Date/Time]: 3/7/99 12:57:41
[City]: Spokane, WA
[Name]: Bob Larson
[Phone]: 509-327-6297
[Comment]: W/M,45,6'2",have taught at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1995-1996. Would like to marry a Chritian Chinese lady in Washington. Also, if you are looking for a cellphone..Visit:http://www.quickfind.com/cellphone
[E-mail]: china@omnicast.net
[Church]: CellCom Solutions
[Date/Time]: 12/1/98 16:7:35
[City]: Spokane, WA
[Name]: Bob Larson
[Phone]: 509-327-6297
[Comment]: Looking for Chinese business people who want to work with a American company, in their own area, anywhere, in the world. Send $2.00 for postage and handling and I will send you a FREE application and more information. Bob Larson 4724 N. Monroe St., Spokane, WA 99205-5352 USA Also, looking to marry a Chinese lady (30-50)..ok??
[E-mail]: china@omnicast.net
[Church]: St. Patricks Church
[Date/Time]: 11/4/98 13:32:4
[City]: 9 Stacey Rd Norfolk, MA 02056
[Name]: Melissa Yao
[Phone]: 508-520-1924
[Comment]: We send out newsletter about new Chinese Christian products on sale through email. Welcome new email friends.
[E-mail]: Melissayao@sprintmail.com
[Church]: Asian Book One-- Asian Christian Supplies
[Date/Time]: 10/29/98 19:50:15
[City]: 10250 Westlake Dr. Apt. 215, Bethesda, MD 20817
[Name]: Pailin Yau
[E-mail]: pailin_yau@usa.net
[Date/Time]: 10/29/98 8:20:42
[City]: Winchester, Virginia
[Name]: Brad Darr
[Phone]: 540-723-9645
[E-mail]: darrbradley@hotmail.com
[Church]: Southside Church of Christ
[Date/Time]: 9/27/98 2:33:46
[City]: Taiepi, Taiwan
[Name]: Janice Jih
[Phone]: +886-2-2711-1427
[Comment]: 中國大陸宣教工場現況 當你聽到人們說廿一世紀是中國人的時代的時候,你是否心情振奮、充滿期待? 你是否願意協助中國大陸的靈同胞﹐同心開創華人基督徒向全世界傳福音的新時代﹖ 我們向你呼籲:從今日起與主同工﹐積極投入培訓與關懷事工! 臺灣中國信徒佈道會暨國際宣教文化基金會 中國事工部 1998.08.31 1. 主的託付 1958年基督教靈糧世界佈道會的創辦人趙世光牧師到台灣教牧退修會推廣「中國人的普世 宣教異象」,蕭文科牧師深受感動、於1961年以第一屆聖教會宣教士的身份,舉家至馬來西 亞、再於1964年至香港與趙牧師同工。1983年至1989年間,蕭文科牧師先後六次由香港進入 中國內陸,經由陸路與水路、寄宿民宅、野店、或露宿田艮,參與數個省份的工人培訓事工。 1998年,神將大陸教會的一片廣大禾場託付給了中信的大陸福音事工部。當我們面對面地和這 群牧養超過一千三百萬信徒的教會領袖溝通時﹐才知道這間當年由內地會宣教士艾得理所建立 的教會﹐自給自傳的從1981年的一位傳道人、1982年的四位傳道人﹐藉著「不支薪津、兩件 掛子、單程車票」的信心差傳方式、以每日建立25~30間教會的增長速度﹐發展成今日遍佈全 中國各省市自治區的事工﹗我們一方面為神所成就的救恩感謝不已、另方面也願意成為眾教會 的橋樑,傳遞大陸工場的需要。 2. 工場現況 2.1. 配搭教會 (1) 中信合作的兩「家」家庭教會信徒人數約為1100~1200萬人+800~900萬人﹐其中擔任全職傳 道人的核心同工人數約為2800~3500人﹐而擔任一般同工、儲備傳道人者更是不計其數。 (2) 因為聖靈大大動工﹐近15年來人心是處處良田﹐幾乎是傳道到哪裡、哪裡就如風吹草偃般的 歸主﹐教會因此而迅速被建立(似乎是同樣的原因使得異端有良機可乘地到處漫延)、目前每 日可以建立30~40間聚會點(教會)。信徒的來源為:自我差傳、自我增長、異端歸主。 (3) 雖然生活清苦、屢受迫害﹐仍然持續在大陸國內廣傳福音﹐總會歷年以來都把全部經費投入 各地區的宣教差傳工作(單程車票、最基本的餐費)上。 (4) 聖靈賜予「世界宣教」的異象﹐已經推動『主後2005年、差派15萬沒打算活著回到中國的宣 教士、』的目標。但是缺乏有關普世宣教的教導。 (5) 願意與中信的宣教士神學教育合作﹐以「代理函授」的方式﹐培育初期的20人/支隊*100支 隊=2,000神學生。由中信製作提供教材、母會領袖同工擔任作業分發與批改之工作。 (6) 收入低、或下崗(失業)的信徒眾﹐教會經費短缺。因為經費短缺﹐目前的既有羊群之牧養壓 力很大﹐有些地區已經於1998年春節後停止開拓工作;加上今年的長江、黑龍江水患﹐使得 患區信徒流離失所、連生活都不保﹐其他地區的信徒還需投入救濟的愛心事工﹐使得教會的 各項事工經費更為拮据。 2.2. 主的工人 (1) 主的工人都十分愛主﹐因此都是以「無給職」擔任聖工。每年只有新年時才偶有新衣一兩件 作為年終獎金。 (2) 這麼龐大的群羊、需要大量的工人﹐因此往往是將:願意服事、可以服事、但是尚未經過完 整基要真理的培訓、連「聖經綜覽」都不知的信徒(更惶論逐卷查經、解經、講道?差派出 去各省傳福音、或在當地擔任全職傳道人。 (3) 由於目前大陸上仍以農村人口為多﹐所以家庭教會的信徒也多數務農﹐因此﹐工人的教育水 平以小學為高(約60%)、中學次之(約30%)、高中或專校以上少數(約10%)。若是在大慶(教會 數目逾一萬間)﹐工人的教育高些、在偏遠的廣西、山西、貴州低些。 (4) 傳道人長年不支薪、家庭生活壓力大,若有一位傳道人被迫去打工、就會造成數千人至數萬 人數的群羊失去牧者。 2.3. 培訓教材 (1) 每年農忙時期(6月1日~7月15日、9月1日~10月20日)以外的時間,均可接受長期培訓。 (2) 最好能夠有教師親身進到中間來上課、交通﹐退而求其次的是:書面教材+錄音磁帶(或影 片)。為了節省紙張﹐建議:免目錄、分主題成冊、字體小些。至於磁帶可用雙卡機拷貝之。 (3) 當地的核心同工建議(或曰希望)簡體字培訓教材至少要含下述各項、才易領會: 條列「要 點」、逐條「說明文句」、並能具有「生活應用實例」﹐以便活學活用。 (4) 特別需要: 基要真理、聖經綜覽、逐卷查經、教會牧養、靈命進深等方面的培訓教導。 (5) 由於任何地區(從沿海經濟發展快速的廣州、汕頭大城市到內陸的山城)的教會都普遍缺乏各 種的屬靈文字與影音資料﹐因此對於各種屬靈書籍資料,都非常需要。 (6) 主的工人對於任何能夠接觸到的訊息都非常非常渴慕﹐雖然教學資源短缺(只有黑板、粉 筆、及老師的聲音)﹐人人都以鋼筆逐字記下筆記。這樣的「口傳」+「手抄筆記」宣教與教 導模式已然實施了80多個年頭。也因為資料缺乏的緣故﹐約430位受訓同工對於此次攜去的 橋樑書面資料、磁帶(福音證主)非常珍惜。 (7) 書面教材的複印單價高(100頁A4雙面影印、約為60元﹐相當於20碗牛肉麵價格)﹐必須由母 會自備複印機影印分送各大隊、各大隊再分別印送各小隊的「分層印送」的分配方式來觸及 各省教會的工人。 2.4. 遭遇難處 (1) 缺乏工人(在質與量上),缺乏系統化的培訓資源與支援、缺乏世界宣教士的培訓支援。 (2) 缺乏現代謀生技能與經費。 3. 合作模式 3.1. 合作原則 藉由1998與1998的兩次短宣隊,蕭牧師代表臺灣中信與家庭教會的核心領袖同工 們達成協議﹐可立即以「橋樑」角色、「同工服事」原則進行培訓與關懷事工。期 望仍然保有中國主的教會之「自立、自傳、自養」的特色。 3.2. 華人教會的參與管道 3.2.1. 工場培訓 (1) 長期或短期地進入中國的工場培訓當地同工。 (2) 長期;台商企業中就業。經費;認養奉獻。 (3) 短期(一週至三個月):旅遊探親方式。經費;自付交通費用。 3.2.2. 宣教培訓 (1) 限神學院教師、主日學教師牧者、傳道人、輔導。 (2) 培育宣教士、宣教神學專修生。 (3) 以函授方式培育中國的海外宣教士 3.2.3. 製作教材 (1) 編寫、撰稿、翻譯教材。 (2) 繁體轉印簡體教材(聯繫現有作者)。 (3) 打字、編輯、錄音、複製教材。 3.2.4. 奉獻與代禱 (1) 奉獻影印機或培訓資料印製費用。 (2) 基督徒台商可以對當地同工或中信宣教士提供工作機會。 (3) 提供經費,以「愛心工程」方式(限期歸還再去幫助他人)協助建立幼兒園、診所或醫 院、中小型巴士客運等事業。 (4) 具有專業能力與經驗、能夠協助當地同工經營養殖事業(雞、豬、牛、羊)。 (5) 教會團契、機構、或個人願意認養:一個省分自治區的培訓、關懷事工、宣教士。 (6) 關懷大陸的靈同胞﹐對大陸禾場的人力與經費需求迫切代禱﹗在主日、特會、小組分享 與傳遞大陸的呼聲。
[E-mail]: twccm@ms15.hinet.net
[Church]: Chinese CHristian Mission in Taiwan
[Date/Time]: 8/21/98 4:4:20
[City]: Singapore
[Name]: Clement Chee
[Comment]: May the Good Lord Bless your ministry! I hav a question but it seems your server cnnot response.
[E-mail]: clemlily@singnet.com.sg
[Church]: Eternal Life Assembly
[Date/Time]: 7/26/98 14:30:27
[City]: Madison, WI
[Name]: Lilian
[Phone]: (608)286-1111
[E-mail]: lhuang2@students.wisc.edu
[Church]: Madison Christian Church
[Date/Time]: 6/14/98 21:11:39
[City]: Senai / Johor
[Name]: Eunice Ching
[Phone]: 07-5997230
[Comment]: Dear brother/sister In Christ, I would like know more about your church. Pls feel free to emil to me in anytime. Thank you.
[E-mail]: euniceching@hotmail.com
[Church]: Senai Baptist Church(Malaysia)
[Date/Time]: 6/5/98 8:45:38
[City]: Chesapeake, VA
[Phone]: 888-354-2520
[Comment]: I was very happy to find this web page. My wife and I have many good friends in the Chinese-American community both in DC and in Southeastern Virginia. I'll certainly recommend this resource to my friends. God bless your work.
[E-mail]: kellyeng@erols.com
[Church]: St. Bride's Episcopal Church
[Date/Time]: 6/5/98 8:39:15
[City]: Sparrow Lane, Chesapeake, VA
[Name]: Keith Barber
[Phone]: 888-354-2520
[Comment]: I was very happy to find this web page. Have many good friends in the Chinese-American community both in DC and in Southeastern Virginia whom I treasure. I glad to know this resource exists and I'll certainly recommend it to my friends.
[E-mail]: kellyeng@erols.com
[Church]: St. Bride's Episcopal Church
[Date/Time]: 5/26/98 12:1:9
[City]: Wheaton, MD 20902
[Name]: Wendy
[Comment]: Attachment file number 1, file name Creation date: May 26, 1998 15:43:30 Document Type: ASCI, Document Class: MEMO Author: Comment: Mail System Error - Returned Mail Level: 1, Number : 1 This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: The user(s) account is disabled: Please reply to Postmaster@worldnet.att.net if you feel this message to be in error. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Type From Foreign Native Name li-wen.w.ho@bellatlantic.COM\n\n\nINTERNET Original Name Wendy Ho Type To Foreign Native Name jerryhsueh@worldnet.att.net\n\n\nINTERNET Original Name jerryhsueh Attachment file number 2, file name Creation date: May 26, 1998 15:43:32 Document Type: ASCI, Document Class: MEMO Author: Comment: :) Level: 2, Number : 1 Jerry, Please correct the following link! Read Chinese in World Wide Web Chinese Browser I The server name has been changed to http://www.ntt.co.jp/Mosaic-l10n/ Wendy :) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment file number 3, file name Creation date: May 26, 1998 15:43:33 Document Type: ASCI, Document Class: MEMO Author: Comment: :) Level: 1, Number : 3 ----------------------------------------
[E-mail]: lho1@hotmail.com
[Church]: Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Washington
[Date/Time]: 3/10/98 11:16:9
[Name]: Milton A. Lites
[Comment]: Greetings in the name of our Lord. We spent 24 years as missionaries to Taiwan before transferring to Bogota, Colombia. May God blees your ministries. We miss our friends in Taiwan.
[E-mail]: mlites@cable.net.co
[Church]: IMB
[Date/Time]: 2/25/98 8:14:36
[City]: 5 Maclachlan St. Sudbury, Ontario P3C 3V5 CANADA
[Name]: Kevin Hart
[Phone]: (705) 674-5686
[Comment]: Congratulations and blessings for your great work!! I am helping our congregation find a successor to our pastor who plans to retire this summer. With the Lord's guidance, we will find someone suitable, a Mandarin or/and Cantonese speaking minister willing to commit to an extended period of service. A couple would be ideal. Details of church, community, salary, and expectations will be provided to interested parties. Any help you can provide in our search will be greatly appreciated. Many blessings, Kevin Hart
[E-mail]: xinwenyang@hotmail.com
[Church]: Sudbury Chinese Missionary Church
[Date/Time]: 2/3/98 14:10:59
[Name]: Daniel Hsu
[Comment]: The false Christ is coming!
[E-mail]: danielhs@sj.bigger.net
[Date/Time]: 1/23/98 9:29:48
[City]: Elizabeth,NJ
[Name]: Pastor Al Horta
[Phone]: 908-352-2243
[Comment]: The Lord Bless your work.
[E-mail]: info@etm.org
[Church]: End Time Ministries
[Date/Time]: 1/2/98 14:1:8
[City]: Mclean, VA
[Name]: William Soong
[Comment]: Very Impressive Web sites
[E-mail]: wcvs@erols.com
[Church]: MBC
[Date/Time]: 12/27/97 19:38:58
[Name]: a
[Phone]: a
[Comment]: a
[E-mail]: a
[Church]: a
[Date/Time]: 12/15/97 11:13:7
[City]: College Park, MD
[Name]: Evelyn Bensen
[Phone]: 301-345-7181
[Comment]: Hi! I'm one of the people who run the Chinese and American Fellowship at the University of MD. It was nice to find that we have a link to your page and that we are listed there. I'm sure Jim Fuller has arranged this. However, I would very much like to make one change on your listing of our group under student organizations. Under denomination, we would like to be listed as Bridges International, NOT Campus Crusade for Christ. This is a more accurate description of who we are affiliated with. While we still are friends with Roger Ishii, he is no longer directly involved with the CAF, so perhaps the association with Navigators should also be removed. I would be happy to have my name as a contact fro the CAF group. Please use my email address rather than my telephone number. thanks. If you want to confirm this with either Roger Ishii or Jim Fuller, please feel free. Thanks. In Christ, Evelyn bensen
[E-mail]: evelynb@bridgesinternational.com
[Church]: Bridges International
[Date/Time]: 12/5/97 13:20:18
[City]: Alexandria, Virginia
[Name]: Yin Mei HUESKES
[Phone]: (202) 296-3359, ext. 6602
[Comment]: I have been trying to find out if there are any Chinese or Chinese-English day care centers/preschools (for my 2-year-old son) in Alexandria, Virginia or in the Washington, D.C. area and it appears that there are none. That is a pity. As there are Spanish-English and even French-English immersion day care centers and preschools in this area, it is a pity that there is no Chinese counterpart. Does anyone know of any Chinese babysitters in this area?
[E-mail]: hueskesy@aacrao.nche.edu
[Date/Time]: 12/3/97 23:15:13
[City]: reading pa
[Name]: qdong
[Phone]: 610 777 4721
[E-mail]: qdond1@aol.com
[Church]: chinese christian church pa
[Date/Time]: 10/28/97 0:29:39
[City]: 3840 El Camino, Las Vegas, NV 89103
[Name]: Shan O-Yuan
[Phone]: 702-873-2681
[Comment]: Pleas contect me if you live in Las Vegas and interested in our church.
[E-mail]: oyuan@nevada.edu
[Church]: Living Word Christian Church
[Date/Time]: 10/13/97 23:37:24
[Name]: webmaster
[Comment]: North America Chinese Business (Free Listing) North America Chinese Business more than 50,000 Chinese business listings in CANADA and USA(free listing); ADD YOUR LISTING NOW! http://nacb.com
[E-mail]: webmaster@nacb.com
[Date/Time]: 10/7/97 22:55:6
[City]: Fairfax, VA
[Name]: Jerry Hsueh
[Comment]: Wow, boy, I didn't know that the guest book was out of order for quite a while until someone email me today. For some unknown reasons, the read/write status of our files on the server have been changed. that's why we couldn't write anything to the guest book. But anyway, it's back to nomal now. What a pity that we could have lost lots of valuable comments from you. changed
[E-mail]: jhsueh@cyberserv.com
[Church]: GWCCN
[Date/Time]: 10/7/97 22:44:29
[Name]: GWCCN
[Comment]: System Test
[Date/Time]: 10/7/97 22:33:26
[Date/Time]: 8/31/97 0:13:42
[City]: Ellicott City, MD
[Name]: Rev.Dr. David Tsang
[Phone]: (410) 203-0386
[Comment]: No comments for now
[E-mail]: rdkt@juno.com
[Church]: Columbia Chinese Baptist Church
[Date/Time]: 7/22/97 23:16:34
[Name]: Webmaster
[Comment]: A Religion Message Board has been setup on our site. You're very welcome to visit http://www.nacb.com
[E-mail]: webmaster@nacb.com
[Church]: NACB
[Date/Time]: 7/8/97 18:35:46
[City]: Nanuet, New York
[Name]: Terrence Lee
[Phone]: 914-624-1731
[E-mail]: L10954@aol.com
[Date/Time]: 7/5/97 13:0:54
[City]: Santa Maria, CA
[Name]: James Fletcher Baxter
[Phone]: -
[Comment]: God bless the people of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Tibet. Never forget who you are.... "Man is earth's Choicemaker. He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. His unique and definitive characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environm,ent, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe." - from MAN THJE CHOICEMAKER c 1997 Free 6 pp. article on request via e-mail: choicemkr@juno.com vincit veritas + Psalms 25:12 119:30,173
[E-mail]: choicemkr@juno.com
[Church]: Pacific Christian Center A/G
[Date/Time]: 6/22/97 17:32:36
[City]: Edmond, Oklahoma
[Name]: Rev. Cooper Ames
[Phone]: 405/341-5450
[Comment]: We have a Chinese student ministry as well as a new Chinese United Methodist Church under the leadership of Rev. Lau Puong Ong. We are interested in networking and learning more about Chinese ministries in the states. Great Website.
[E-mail]: coopames@iamerica.net
[Church]: Wesley Foundation Campus Ministries
[Date/Time]: 6/11/97 15:19:35
[City]: Germantown, MD
[Name]: Debbie Wong
[Phone]: (202) 775-3857
[Comment]: If you are in the DC area and would like to visit our church, please give me a call.
[E-mail]: derbie1@juno.com
[Church]: Chinese Community Church
[Date/Time]: 5/8/97 8:51:45
[City]: 6 N.Duncan apt #5
[Name]: David Anders
[Phone]: (501) 442-3860
[Comment]: Hello my christian brothers and sisters. I am in search of a christian chinese calendar. Please all the help you can give me on locating one will be helpful. God Bless
[E-mail]: danders@comp.uark.edu
[Date/Time]: 4/11/97 0:56:48
[City]: Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[Name]: Fuh-Shan Shiau
[Comment]: God Bless All of You. Welcome to my homepage, 生命永恆的國度
[E-mail]: n4880113@sparc5.cc.ncku.edu.tw
[Church]: Glorify Lord Church
[Date/Time]: 4/8/97 21:39:31
[City]: 10 London Bridge Court
[Name]: Annie Lee
[Phone]: (301)598-4340
[E-mail]: ceiling@upn20email.com
[Church]: Montgomery Chinese Baptist Mission
[Date/Time]: 4/1/97 0:17:14
[City]: 2704 E 9th #202 Wichita Ks 67214
[Name]: Sie Kui, Tiong
[Phone]: 316-685-1730
[Comment]: May God Bless You All !!
[E-mail]: sktiong01@aol.com
[Church]: Immanuel Chinese Baptist Church
[Date/Time]: 3/31/97 16:27:17
[Phone]: 316-685-1730
[Comment]: GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!!
[Date/Time]: 3/5/97 22:46:54
[City]: Brooklyn, NY
[Name]: Hovey Lee
[Comment]: Very good homepage! We have one for our church too. Address is http://pobox.com/~bcbc Come and visit us!
[E-mail]: bcbc@pobox.com
[Church]: Brooklyn Chinese Baptist Church
[Date/Time]: 1/24/97 22:9:16
[City]: St. Simons Is., Georgia
[Name]: Karl E. Peters
[Phone]: (912) 638-1638
[Comment]: My second language is Mandarin and I have a Chinese wife and a heart for the Chinese in general. I will get back here more in the future to see how I can participate and how you can help my wife strengthen her walk with the Lord. She is a Christian, but has no teaching here in her own language. I look forward to working with you in some way soon. -Karl E. Peters
[E-mail]: bridge@thebest.net
[Church]: Bridge Foundation
[Date/Time]: 12/13/96 20:38:20
[City]: 53 Ethan Dr. #1, New Prov, NJ 07974
[Name]: Abe Houng
[Phone]: 908-957-7951
[Comment]: We are starting a college/career group for the 2nd generationers. Any info on this type of group is appriciated. Thanks.
[E-mail]: aph@hotmail.com
[Church]: Taiwanese Union Christian Church
[Date/Time]: 12/8/96 23:57:15
[City]: Reston, VA
[Name]: Jay C.
[E-mail]: nsx3000@juno.com
[Church]: CCCVA
[Date/Time]: 12/6/96 6:33:23
[City]: Librastar Telecom Center, G/F Victoria Plaza, Bajada, Davao City, Philippines
[Name]: Henry Ly Chiu
[Phone]: +6332 224-0924
[Comment]: My Grandma, Uncles and Aunties are living in your area. I pray that they belong to your group. God Bless!
[E-mail]: pop@mozcom.com
[Church]: Soli Deo Gloria Christian Fellowship
[Date/Time]: 12/1/96 19:43:39
[City]: Scarborough,Ontario,Canada
[Name]: Ken Chang
[Phone]: (416)2911098
[Comment]: I am very glad to get in this web. It's really a good way to let more more Christians in diffrent area of the world to share thier daily life and ideas. It's also a good way for more Christians to make new friends here. I really like this! Here, I would like to invite more friends to share life and ideas here. It could be just like friends chating, so take it easy here. If someone here would like to send email to me, he/she will be very welcome! p.s: If you are not a Christian, don't worry! You are also welcome to chat with me. Bye!
[E-mail]: kench@skyinternet.com
[Church]: North York Mandarin Alliance Church
[Date/Time]: 11/23/96 21:15:29
[City]: Gaithersburg, MD
[Name]: Laura Kuah
[Comment]: I suggest that you create a Teen Page for Christians around the Washington D.C. area.
[Church]: Cabin John American-Chinese United Methodist Church
[Date/Time]: 11/5/96 11:35:34
[City]: Gaithersburg, MD
[Name]: Charles D. Akula
[Phone]: 301-417-4599
[Comment]: I was listerning to WNVA 105.1 radio station. I am very much touch with Chinese Pastors life in China. How hard it is to even get a Bible. I was wondering, In addition to providing Bibles to christians in China, We must also try to make The Bible available to people who are very rich and NON-Chirstains. The way we can do is, to launch Chinese Bible on the Internet. People who are rich any where in the world, are spending money to have Internet. If we provide Chinese Bible on the net, one of these days some BIG, RICH oe even High official in governement can stumble on the Net and read. God will work wonders through this NET. The Internet is for every one not just for one set of people. Please pray for it. If we all join together in prayer to launch Chinese Bible on the Net, it will be a real bless and the purpose of sending bible to China will also be fulfilled. Through Internet we can spread the Word to people in the TOP, and providing The Bible (hard copies) to people who are nor so BIG will act like try to achieve the goal (spreding the Word) in more than one way. Thank God for your site. Please try to pass this e-mail to people you know and is what they think about the IDEA. May God bless your ministry thorugh the NET. Charles D. Akula
[E-mail]: cakula@bechtel
[Church]: Redland Baptist Church
[Date/Time]: 11/5/96 10:5:23
[City]: Gaithersburg, MD
[Name]: Charles D. Akula
[Phone]: 301-417-4599
[Comment]: I was listerning to WNVA 105.1 radio station. I am very much touch with Chinese Pastors life in China. How hard it is to even get a Bible. I was wondering, In addition to providing Bibles to christians in China, We must also try to make The Bible available to people who are very rich and NON-Chirstains. The way we can do is, to launch Chinese Bible on the Internet. People who are rich any where in the world, are spending money to have Internet. If we provide Chinese Bible on the net, one of these days some BIG, RICH oe even High official in governement can stumble on the Net and read. God will work wonders through this NET. The Internet is for every one not just for one set of people. Please pray for it. If we all join together in prayer to launch Chinese Bible on the Net, it will be a real bless and the purpose of sending bible to China will also be fulfilled. Through Internet we can spread the Word to people in the TOP, and providing The Bible (hard copies) to people who are nor so BIG will act like try to achieve the goal (spreding the Word) in more than one way. Thank God for your site. Please try to pass this e-mail to people you know and is what they think about the IDEA. May God bless your ministry thorugh the NET. Charles D. Akula
[E-mail]: cakula@bechtel
[Church]: Redland Baptist Church
[Date/Time]: 11/2/96 0:10:13
[City]: Rolla, Missouri
[Name]: Yuk-Tung Leung
[Phone]: 573-341-9836
[E-mail]: yleung@umr.edu
[Church]: Rolla Chinese Christian Fellowship
[Date/Time]: 10/11/96 2:52:26
[City]: Caller Box 10004, PR257, Saipan MP96950
[Name]: Amos Wong Chin Woon
[Phone]: 670-2332241
[Comment]: Thank God for this communication system that has been set up. Pray that God will use it for exchanging testimony and idea of Christian believe. May God bless you.
[E-mail]: amoswong@itecnmi.com
[Church]: Preach to China
[Date/Time]: 10/8/96 22:23:8
[City]: New York City, NY
[Name]: Sharon Yiu
[Comment]: I praise God for your work! May God continue to work through your network. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 =)
[Church]: Overseas Chinese Mission
[Date/Time]: 10/8/96 22:21:10
[City]: Chinatown, NY
[Name]: Sharon Yiu
[Comment]: I praise God for your work! May God continue to work through your network. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 =)
[Church]: Overseas Chinese Mission
[Date/Time]: 10/7/96 1:13:7
[City]: Los Angeles, CA
[Name]: Larry Ching
[Comment]: Nice web site. God bless you. I would like to introduce our web site to all of you. http://www.loop.com/~cchcla
[E-mail]: cchcla@loop.com, lching@cadence.com
[Church]: Los Angeles Chinese Christian Herald Crusades
[Date/Time]: 10/7/96 1:12:7
[City]: Los Angeles, CA
[Name]: Larry Ching
[Comment]: Nice web site. God bless you. I would like to introduce our web site to all of you. http://www.loop.com/~cchcla
[E-mail]: cchc@loop.com, lching@cadence.com
[Church]: Los Angeles Chinese Christian Herald Crusades
[Date/Time]: 10/5/96 20:15:56
[City]: Rockville,MD
[Name]: 蔡采秀
[E-mail]: atsai@erols.com
[Date/Time]: 9/23/96 19:37:39
[City]: Pullman, WA
[Name]: Man Hin Samson Tu
[Phone]: (509) 333-3515
[E-mail]: sheep@mail.wsu.edu
[Church]: Pullman Chinese Church
[Date/Time]: 9/18/96 4:3:19
[City]: Singapore
[Name]: Shirley Tan
[Comment]: Just found this page. Will visit more often.
[E-mail]: ouiwui@pacific.net.sg
[Church]: Church of Our Saviour
[Date/Time]: 9/10/96 9:27:45
[Name]: Jerry Hsueh
[Comment]: To Jon : At the first glimpse, I didn't understand what you wrote in the Comments field, then I finally could read it after I switched my Chinese software to GB code. Can we make it more consistent to use Chinese Big-5 codes, so we don't have to switch back and forth. Thank you.
[Date/Time]: 9/9/96 16:24:1
[City]: 2116 Westmont Dr., Alhambra CA
[Name]: Jon Primuth
[Comment]: 蛅 斕 蠅 傖 髡.
[E-mail]: Jprimuth@aol.com
[Date/Time]: 9/4/96 5:53:44
[City]: 38, 1/F, La Salle Rd, Kowloon Tong, HONG KONG
[Name]: Virginia YIP
[Phone]: 852-2784-4616(O) 852-2338-8114(H)
[E-mail]: livyip@cityu.edu.hk
[Church]: Christian Alliance/ City Univ. of Hong Kong
[Date/Time]: 9/1/96 15:51:52
[Name]: Wayne
[Church]: River Road Presbyterian Church
[Date/Time]: 7/8/96 23:54:36
[City]: Gaithersburg, MD
[Name]: Danny Wei
[E-mail]: dwei@capaccess.org
[Church]: Gaithersburg Chinese Alliance Church
[Date/Time]: 7/3/96 5:27:48
[Phone]: (632)-361-9504
[E-mail]: adsturbo@skyinet.net
[Date/Time]: 6/26/96 9:2:46
[Comment]: Recently I found a very useful web site of Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry at http://www2.connectnet.com/users/mslick/ webtofc.htm. They have topics talking about New Age Movement, etc. They are very helpful.
[Name]: Jerry Hsueh
[Church]: GWCCN
[Date/Time]: 6/25/96 11:13:15
[Phone]: (803)-386-3623
[Comment]: If any body knows any good reading on apologetics, I would dearly appreciate any suggestions.
[City]: 461 S. Railroad Ave. Johnsonville S.C. 29555
[Name]: Adrian Langley
[Date/Time]: 6/20/96 17:13:55
[Comment]: It's great to have God's family on-line.
[City]: Washington, DC
[Name]: Rita J. Moy
[E-mail]: rita.moy@gsa.gov
[Church]: Chinese Community Church
[Date/Time]: 6/7/96 21:50:7
[Phone]: 703-893-1880;893-1881Fax
[City]: McLean, Va.
[Name]: 洪 耀 東 Y.T. Hung,Esq.
[Church]: Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of N. Va.
[Date/Time]: 5/23/96 11:31:21
[Comment]: It's just wonderful everyone can get to know the god through internet. God bless you.
[City]: Hong Kong
[Name]: Richard Yeung
[E-mail]: rdyfyeung@hknet.com
[Church]: Chung Sing Church
[Date/Time]: 5/17/96 16:37:31
[Phone]: 301-869-0499
[Comment]: WaSsUp Chinese churches RULE!!!!! CBC is the BEST!!! Especially Joseph TsaNG our Youth director
[Name]: Ricky Koo
[E-mail]: rkoo@capaccess.org
[Church]: Chinese Bible Church of Maryland
[Date/Time]: 5/13/96 20:52:1
[Phone]: 202-319-5999
[Comment]: This is remarkable. Thanks for your efforts to make this home page available. I wonder who are you?
[City]: Maryland
[Name]: Fenggang Yang
[E-mail]: 54yang@cua.edu
[Church]: Chinese Christian Church of Greater Washington, DC
[Date/Time]: 4/30/96 14:37:5
[Phone]: (412) 475-3506
[Comment]: I have an interest in Chinese education. I look forward to hearing from your organization Deena.
[City]: P.O. Box 315 Jackson Center,PA
[Name]: Deena L. Philage
[E-mail]: dlp21+@pitt.edu
[Date/Time]: 4/30/96 13:30:12
[Phone]: (416) 447-8172
[City]: North York, Ontario, Canada
[Name]: Welkome Pun
[E-mail]: wpun@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
[Church]: Toronto Chinese Community Church
[Date/Time]: 4/23/96 16:21:14
[Comment]: I like the church index map, great idea & design. May God bless you guys. Keep up the good effort!
[Name]: Simon Lin
[E-mail]: sjlin@aol
[Church]: NVCCC
[Date/Time]: 4/11/96 15:31:15
[Phone]: 206 540-8267
[Comment]: Wonderful!! May God bless you all!
[City]: Seattle, WA
[Name]: Queenie Ip
[E-mail]: qip@u.washington.edu
[Church]: Seattle Chinese Baptist Church, Chinese Student Fellowship