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Greater Washington Chinese Christian Network
Church Searching Forms
Please select the type and location of the church you are looking for :
(This search will match both "type" and "location" of your choices.)
You may also search by Keywords :
Enter Search Keyword(s) :
- This search is case insensitive, i.e. Uppercase or Lowercase is not important.
- Use State Abbreviation (e.g. "VA", "MD") if you wish to search by the State in the Address box.
Name or Type of Church :
Address or Location :
Some useful tips for searching by keywords :
1. Search by Name of Church only -
Type in Keyword (e.g. "Baptist") in the field of Name of Church,
Select "or" and leave the field of Address blank.
Hit Search button.
2. Search by Address only -
Type in Keyword (e.g. "Baltimore") in the field of Address,
Select "or" and leave the field of Name of Church blank.
Hit Search button.
3. Search by either Name of Church or Address -
i.e. Either condition matched will be selected.
Type in Keyword (e.g. "Baptist") in the field of Name of Church,
Select "or" and Type in Keyword (e.g. "Baltimore") in the field of Address.
Hit Search button.
4. Search by both Name of Church and Address -
i.e. Only select those churches which match both conditions.
Type in Keyword (e.g. "Baptist") in the field of Name of Church,
Select "and" and Type in Keyword (e.g. "Baltimore") in the field of Address.
Hit Search button.
You are the visitor to this page since 7/2/96.
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