First of all, we like to give thanks for those who attended the Internet Workshop on August 10. Your interest and support of our Internet mission is what we need. There were totally 27 people came to the workshop and we've already received requests of holding another follow-up workshop as well as another introductory workshop for those who couldn't come at the August 10 workshop.
In the first session of August 10 workshop, Oliver Hsieh, who has 10+ years of Networking experience, introduced the overall structure of how Internet works as well as how World Wide Web gives people the revolutionary techniques to communicate with each other. Oliver also introduced everyone some practical ways of hooking up to the Net through different Internet providers.
The second session was led by Daniel Wu, an independent computer consultant, who was giving us a lesson on how HyperText Marker Language(HTML) works. He was using the home page of Chinese Christian Church of Greater Washington as an example to explain how local churches can use home pages to announce church activities, post the church calendars as well as church's general information.
The third session was introducing the idea of GWCCN. Jerry Hsueh, an Internet application developer and statistical analyst, was presenting the idea of using GWCCN as common Electronic Bulletin Board for all local Chinese Churches to post their upcoming events, announce inter-church activities, etc. Also one can use GWCCN's Church Index Map and Search Form to locate local churches. The ideas of Bible Q's and A's, Theological Forum, Literary Columns and GWCCN Cafe' were also introduced.
The last hands-on session was using the example of the web pages newly developed by Cabin John American-Chinese United Methodist Church(CJUMC). Oliver Hsieh was using FTP and TELNET methods to upload and arrange all web pages on GWCCN's server. He also created a link from GWCCN's home page to CJUMC's home page. This 15-minutes' step-by-step procedure posted CJUMC's home page to the Net and also made Cabin John American-Chinese United Methodist Church known to the whole world immediately.
We appreciate your participations and hope that this workshop can really benefit you as well as your churches. For those who are interested but couldn't come on August 10 workshop, we wish we can meet you in the next workshops.
May God bless you,
The following web pages have been updated on GWCCN recently:
A new Bible question has been added : Do all babies go to heaven if they die ? (Bible Q's and A's)
New sermon articles have been added to Pastor Paul Tong's collection page (Literary Columns)
The home page of Cabin John American-Chinese United Methodist Church has been added to GWCCN. (Church List)
The church info has been updated for Montgomery Chinese Baptist Church. (Church List)
The following new links have been included on GWCCN home page recently:
We welcome the CACEC Ministry, Inc. to join the work force in Cyberspace ministry. CACEC is a new evangelical organization aiming young professionals and overseas Chinese students. By Evangelizing, Training and Calling overseas Chinese, CACEC is preparing future church leaders for all Chinese Churches. Please click HERE to find out more.
If you haven't registered to the Internet Workshop on August 10, 1996, we would strongly recommand you to do so now. By attending this workshop, you may learn more about what Internet can do for you and your church, and more encouragingly, your sharing of your ideas and suggestions will be very helpful to us.
If you know someone who is also interested in this workshop, please pass this information to them, so they may also come to the workshop. Please click HERE for more detail information.
The following new links are included on GWCCN home page recently:
The UpperRoom - A daily devotional material for serious Christians. (On the GWCCN Home Page)
CareerPath and CareerBuilder (under "For your information")
Can Christians date ? Is there a universal Truth ? Why God let Evil control the world ?
These questions have been answered on GWCCN Bible Q's and A's page. Thanks to pastor Paul Tong of Columbia Chinese Baptist Church, who just joined us as a co-hosting pastor of Bible Q's and A's session.
The following new links are included on GWCCN home page recently:
YouthInfo (under "Mother's Corner") - A page belongs to young people
Besides the Church Index Map, One may wonder if we can have a search engine which
searches Chinese Churches by some keywords. Here it is - GWCCN Church Searching Forms. You may type in Keywords for Name of Church
or Location or both, a list of matched churches will be shown right on the screen.
You may find the Church Searching Form under the "Chinese Churches List" page.
We have included the following new links, please check them out from GWCCN pages (as shown in the parenthesis).
Yahoo Search for kids (under "Mother's Corner"),
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
(under "Links to other Christian Networks"),
Yahoo Internet News (under "For Your Information - News").
---- an on-line page that you can have a chat with your friends, get information from others, present your ideas, or just make some new friends. There will be no topic restriction, say anything you like to say right on line !
Why are we opening this area ? very simple. Since some friends suggested that we open a chat area for everyone, so people can say something informal, something more daily-life related, rather than "present a paper", so here it is. We wish you bring your friends to join our conversations and make this place your place !
We are pleased to announce the birth of the Home Page of AFC
(Ambassadors For Christ). AFC is an evangelical organization committing in Campus
Crusade, Literary missions and Christian Book sales. A link to AFC's home page is
provided on the "Chinese Evangelical Organizations" page. Please make a trip to
AFC's home page if you can.
The Bible Q's and A's section has been updated, you may want to take a look.
This updated version includes 7 new questions toward the Bible's difficulties answered
by Rev. David Chen. We hope you can benifit from reading the answers. Please browse
them and tell us your opinions and suggestions if you wish.
We are going to publish a series of articles(more than 10 articles) about the Book
of James written by Rev. Paul Tong of Columnbia Chinese Baptist Church in the coming
weeks. As a matter of fact, three of them have been put up in the "Literary Columns"
section. All the articles are in Chinese Big-5 format, Please check out the
"Read Chinese on World Wide Web" page if you
haven't be able to read Chinese on the Net. We would like to give special thanks to Rev. Paul Tong for his generous sharing of his faith.